A new light shone through the window of my mind,
to where I could see a brighter road up ahead.
It led me to wonder about the vast possibilities
of a world in which we’re no longer enslaved
by the many, many voices inside our heads.
Voices that tell us what to do or what to say,
or how to act—perhaps even how to breathe.
The voices that don’t come directly from inside,
but ones that we hear from day to day.
Voices that, in a way, may corrupt our lives.
And yet, we are often oblivious to them;
the voices that sometimes drive us forward,
sometimes for better, and other times for worse.
Voices that we let in, that persuade and move us,
that don’t allow us to form our own opinions or words.
Outside voices that seep into our minds and hearts,
that try to corrupt the way we’ve always seen the world.
And although it may take an immense amount of willpower
to ignore the voices that latch onto you at your weakest,
once they’re gone, you may finally rest,
and over time… find yourself at your very best.
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